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press against one’s foot
挤脚  detail>>
foot press
脚动压机 脚控压力机 脚踏冲床 脚踏压机 脚踏压力机 脚踏印刷机  detail>>
foot lever press
脚踏杠杆式压力机 脚踏压力机  detail>>
foot-lever press
脚踏压力机  detail>>
foot-operated press
脚踏冲床  detail>>
check one against another
互相对照  detail>>
lift one’s hand against
伤害  detail>>
one against ten thousand
以一挡万  detail>>
one against the wind
豪情女子 逆风而行  detail>>
to shut one’s eye’s against
视若无睹  detail>>
have one foot in the grave
活不了多久 快入土了 快要死的 一脚已踏进坟墓 已是风烛残年  detail>>
one foot in the grave
离死不远了 行将入土 一脚已经入了坟(入土三尺) 一脚已经入了坟(入土三尺)  detail>>
one foot off the ground
鸡犬不宁  detail>>
one foot prayer pose
单脚祈祷式  detail>>
one-foot eight
单脚8字形  detail>>
one-foot figure
单脚图形  detail>>
one-foot salchow jump
同足后内结环一周跳  detail>>
one-foot spin
单脚旋转  detail>>